
Frais de livraison

Les frais de livraison pour un Calendrier Stendig sont :

  • 9 €: Autriche, Belgique, République tchèque, Danemark, France, Allemagne, Hongrie, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Suisse.
  • 14 €: Bulgarie, Croatie, Espagne
  • 18 €: Estonie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Monaco, Suède
  • 22 €: Norvège, Portugal
  • 24 €: Finlande, Irlande, Portugal
  • 38 €: Chypre, Grèce, Norvège

Nous livrons également en Amérique du Nord, en Australasie et en Asie. Les prix d'expédition à ces endroits seront présentés lors du paiement.

Quels sont les délais de livraison?

La livraison prend 3-5 jours ouvrés. Une fois votre calendrier expédié, vous recevrez un e-mail de l’expéditeur avec un numéro de suivi. 


Nous utilisons l’expéditeur GLS.


Quelle est votre politique en matière de retour?

Notre politique de retour est valable 14 jours. Si 14 jours se sont écoulés depuis la réception de votre calendrier, nous ne pouvons hélas pas vous rembourser. Pour être remboursé, l’article ne doit pas avoir été utilisé et être retourné dans le même état que lors de la vente. Il doit également être expédié dans son emballage d’origine. 

Pour initier une procédure de retour, écrivez-nous à


Wie hoch sind die Lieferkosten?

Die Lieferung eines Stendig-Kalenders kostet 9 €, die Lieferung eines V-Kalenders 5 €. Beim gleichzeitigen Kauf beider Kalender ist die Lieferung des V-Kalenders kostenlos.

Wie lange dauert der Versand?

Die Lieferung erfolgt nach 3-5 Werktagen. Wenn Ihr Kalender versandt wird, erhalten Sie vom Kurier eine E-Mail mit einer Sendungsverfolgungsnummer.

Mit welchem Lieferdienst arbeiten Sie?

Wir benutzen den Versanddienstleister GLS.

Von welchem Ort aus erfolgt der Versand?

Alle Bestellungen innerhalb Europas werden per Paketdienst von unserem Lager in Österreich aus versandt.

In welche Länder kann die Lieferung erfolgen?

Wir liefern auch nach Kanada, Australasien und Asien.


Was sind die Bedingungen für Retouren?

Obwohl wir sicher sind, dass Sie mit Ihrem Kalender sehr zufrieden sein werden, akzeptieren wir gerne Rücksendungen (aus welchen Gründen auch immer) innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Lieferung und erstatten Ihnen die vollen Kosten des Kalenders. Leider müssen jedoch die Kosten für die Rücksendung des Artikels an uns von Ihnen getragen werden, und der Artikel muss unbenutzt und in demselben Zustand sein, in dem er verschickt wurde. Für unsere vollständigen Rückerstattungsbedingungen klicken Sie hier.

Wie kann ich meinen Kalender zurückgeben?

Wenn Sie den Artikel zurückgeben möchten, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an und geben Sie dabei Ihre Bestellnummer an.


Quali sono i costi di spedizione?

La spedizione dello Stendig ha un costo di €9, quella del V Calendar di €5. Se li acquistate entrambi, la spedizione del V Calendar sarà gratuita.

Quale corriere utilizzate?

Utilizziamo il corriere GLS.

Quanto tempo ci vuole per la consegna?

La consegna richiede 3-5 giorni lavorativi. Quando il tuo calendario viene spedito, riceverai un’e-mail dal corriere con un numero di tracking.

Da dove parte la spedizione?

Tutti gli ordini per l’Europa vengono inviati con spedizione tracciabile dal nostro deposito in Austria.

Dove consegnate?

Inoltre spediamo anche in Oceania, Canada e Asia,


Qual è la vostra politica di restituzione?

Anche se siamo sicuri che sarai deliziato dal tuo calendario, siamo felici di accettare restituzioni per qualsiasi ragione fino a 14 giorni dopo che esso ti è stato consegnato, emettendo un rimborso complete del suo costo. Sfortunatamente il costo di restituzione dell’oggetto deve essere coperto dal cliente e l’oggetto deve essere nelle stesse condizioni di quando è stato venduto. Per i termini e condizioni completi relativi al rimborso, cliccare qui.

Come faccio il reso del mio calendario?

In caso voleste fare un reso, vi preghiamo di contattarci a:, fornendoci il codice dell’ordine.


Hoeveel kost de levering?

Levering van een Stendig Kalender kost €9, en levering van een V Kalender kost € 5. Als je ze allebei samen koopt, is de levering van de V Kalender gratis.

Hoe lang duurt het om te leveren?

Levering duurt 3-5 werkdagen. Wanneer uw kalender is verzonden, ontvangt u een e-mail van de koerier met een volgnummer.

Welke koerier gebruikt u?

Wij gebruiken GLS als leverancier.

Van waar verzenden jullie?

Alle Europese bestellingen worden met tracking verstuurd vanuit ons magazijn in Oostenrijk.

Waarheen verzenden jullie?

Wij verzenden ook in Europa, Canada, Australazië en Azië.


Wat is uw terugstuurbeleid?

Hoewel we er zeker van zijn dat u tevreden zult zijn met uw kalender, accepteren we graag retours om welke reden dan ook, tot 14 dagen na levering, voor een volledige terugbetaling van de kosten van de kalender. Helaas moeten de kosten voor het retourneren van het artikel aan ons worden betaald door u, en het artikel moet ongebruikt en in dezelfde staat zijn als het verkocht is. Voor ons volledige terubetalingsbeleid, kunt u hier klikken.

Hoe kan ik mijn kalender retourneren?

Als u het artikel wil retourneren, stuurt u ons een e-mail op, met vermelding van uw bestelnummer.


¿Cuánto cuesta el envío?

El envío cuesta 14€ por cada calendario a España. 

¿Qué empresa de transporte usáis?

El envío se realiza a través de la empresa GLS.

¿Cuánto tardan los envíos?

El envío tarda 3-5 días laborables. Cuando se envíe tu calendario, recibirás un correo electrónico de la empresa de mensajería con un número de seguimiento.

¿A dónde enviáis?

También realizamos envíos a Europa, Reino Unido, Canadá, Australasia y Asia.


¿Cuál es la política de reembolso?

Aunque tenemos el convencimiento de que te encantará el calendario, estamos felices de aceptar devoluciones por cualquier razón durante los 14 días siguientes a la fecha de recepción de tu envío. Desafortunadamente, el coste del envío de devolución deberá correr a tu cargo, y el producto deberá estar sin usar y en la misma condición en la que fue vendido. Para ver nuestros Términos y Condiciones de reembolso al completo, haz clic aquí.

¿Cómo puedo devolver mi calendario?

Si desea devolver un artículo, envíanos un correo electrónico a, indicando el número de pedido.



Levering i Danmark koster €9 per kalender.

Hvor lang tid tager leveringen?

Leveringen tager 3-5 arbejdsdage. Når din pakke er afsendt, modtager du en e-mail fra kureren med dit forsendelsesnummer.


Vi anvender GLS som kurer.


Hvad er jeres returneringspolitik?

Selvom vi er sikker på, at du vil være tilfreds med din kalender, vil vi med glæde tage imod returvarer uanset årsagen i op til 14 dage efter den er blevet leveret til dig. Du bliver refunderet for udgifterne til kalenderen. Desværre skal omkostningerne ved returnering af varen betales af dig, og varen skal være ubrugt og være i samme stand, som da den blev solgt. Tryk her for vores vilkår og betingelser vedrørende refunderinger.

Hvis du gerne vil returnere varen, kan du kontakte os på


How much does delivery cost?

Delivery of a Stendig Calendar varies by country:

  • €9: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland.
  • €14: Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain
  • €18: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Sweden
  • €24: Finland, Ireland, Portugal
  • €38: Cyprus, Greece, Norway

We also ship across North America, Australasia and Asia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

How long will it take?

3-5 working days.

Who do you ship with?

GLS Europe for most of Europe, and LiPost for Switzerland.

Where do you ship from?

In the UK, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in High Wycombe. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of Europe. We also ship to North America, Australasia and Asia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across North America, Australasia and Asia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

How long will it take?

3-5 working days.

Who do you ship with?

In the UK, we use Parcelforce to deliver the calendars.

Where do you ship from?

In the UK, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in High Wycombe. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of the U.K., as well as the Channel Islands.We also ship across Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across Europe, Australasia and Asia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

How long will it take?

In Canada, we use Canpar Express to deliver the calendars.

Where do you ship from?

In Canada, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in Ontario. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of Canpar Express.We also ship across Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across Europe, Australasia and Asia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

Who do you ship with?

In Australia, we use a range of couriers to deliver the calendars.

Where do you ship from?

In Australia, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in New South Wales. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of Australia. We also ship across Europe, North America and Asia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across Europe, North America and Asia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

Where do you ship from?

In New Zealand, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse near Auckland. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of New Zealand. We also ship across Europe, North America and Asia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across Europe, North America and Australasia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

Where do you ship from?

In Singapore, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in the city. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of Singapore, and to Malaysia. We also ship across Europe, North America and Australasia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across Europe, North America and Australasia. Shipping prices to those locations will be presented during checkout.

Where do you ship from?

In Hong Kong, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in the city. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of Hong Kong, and to China. We also ship across Europe, North America and Australasia.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.


배송비는 얼마인가요?

한국 내 배송료는 ₩9,000입니다. 

배송에 얼마나 걸리나요?

배송에는 2-5 영업일이 소요됩니다. 캘린더가 발송되면, 택배사로부터 추적 번호가 포함된 이메일을 받게 됩니다.

배송은 어디에서 보내나요?

모든 한국 주문은 한국 창고에서 추적 배송으로 발송되며 영업일 기준 2-5일 이내에 도착합니다.

어디로 배송하나요?

또한 유럽, 캐나다, 오스트랄라시아 및 아시아 전역으로 배송합니다. 이러한 국가 중 하나로 배송을 원하시면, 이 링크를 사용하여 관련 사이트로 이동해주세요.


반품 정책은 어떻게 되나요?

 저희는 고객님께서 캘린더에 만족하실 것이라 확신하지만, 어떠한 이유에서든 수령 후 최대 14일 동안 반품을 허용하며 캘린더 가격 전액을 환불해드립니다. 불행히도, 당사로 제품을 반환하는 비용은 고객님 부담이며, 제품은 사용되지 않고 판매되었을 때와 동일한 상태이어야 합니다. 반품 약관 전문을 확인하시려면.

캘린더는 어떻게 반품하나요?

품목을 반품하려면 주문 번호를 info@stendigcalendars.com으로 보내주세요.





寄送時間為3-5個工作天. 您會在您的月曆被送出時,收到一封快遞公司寄出的電子郵件,內含包裹追蹤號碼。











How much does delivery cost?

Delivery costs $14 within the continental US. 

We also ship across Europe, Australasia and Asia. To buy for delivery to a country in one of these locations, please navigate to the relevant site, using this link.

Where do you ship from?

In the US, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in Nashville, TN. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of continental USA. We also ship across Europe, North America and Australasia. To buy for delivery to a country in one of these locations, please navigate to the relevant site, using this link.


How much does delivery cost?

Shipping costs are displayed as part of the checkout process, before payment is made.

We also ship across Europe, Australasia and Asia. To buy for delivery to a country in one of these locations, please navigate to the relevant site, using this link.

Where do you ship from?

In India, the calendars are shipped from our warehouse in Mumbai. In other countries across the world, they will be dispatched from local warehouses.

Where do you ship to?

We ship across all areas of continental USA. We also ship across Europe, North America and Australasia. To buy for delivery to a country in one of these locations, please navigate to the relevant site, using this link.


What's your returns policy?

Although we’re sure you’ll be delighted with your calendar, we are happy to accept returns for whatever reason for up to 14 days after it’s been delivered to you, for a full refund of the cost of the calendar (not including the cost of the outbound shipping). The cost of returning the item to us must be paid by you, and the item must be unused and in the same condition as sold. If you’d like to return the item, please email us at For our full refund T&Cs, click here.

How do I return my calendar?

If you’d like to return the item, please email us at, quoting your order number.